
Any questions about our school: info (Mieke).

Any comments, ideas, suggestions? Feel free to contact the web designer.


Inclusiveness and diversity are normal for Ban Sen Juku. We take reports of bullying, discrimination or other transgressive behaviour seriously in our school and dojo. We guarantee that we handle the report with discretion and involve the reporter in the choice of steps to take.

If we observe bullying, discrimination or other transgressive behavior in our school and dojo, we respond immediately, non-violently and constructively. We do our best to set an example of respectful interaction with each other and with everyone. More importantly, we do our best to live a conscious and respectful life.

Do you want to report something? Do you have any questions?
Get in touch with our contact point: Mieke De Borger | Dutch, English, French | trained as an integrity point of contact (API) of the Ban Sen Juku Aikido School | | +32 477 67 32 51.

Mieke listens to your question or story, handles your report in all discretion and advises you on the possible next steps or referral. Every aikidoka, parent, teacher, dojo cho, board member, administrator or other volunteer of our aikido school can contact her.

Pictures and videos

At the seminars of Tomita Sensei and Ban Sen Juku, photos and videos are allowed, and we would appreciate it if you could provide us with a copy of the original (unedited) files for the archives of Ban Sen Juku. We recommend uploading the files to our Ban Sen Juku pCloud.

You do not have the link to the Ban Sen Juku pCloud? Request it from: Greet De Baets,
Looking for an alternative? You can deliver the files via WeTransfer or an external carrier to: Greet De Baets,

Just send the original files, do not edit them, and include the following each time:
The date and place of the seminar and the name of the photographer

Thank you in advance.